
Official opening and dedication of the Junior Primary Building

On Wednesday 25 October, the Archbishop of Melbourne, Dr Philip Freier officially opened our new Junior Primary Building.

The building was opened in the presence of Year 6 students, YVG staff, the School Board and distinguished guests including The Honourable Michael Sukkar Federal Member for Deakin, The Honourable David Hodgett, the Victorian Member for Croydon and Cr Rob Steane the Mayor of Maroondah.

Following the opening service there was a short tour of the building, visits to classrooms and Morning Tea with Guests and the Junior School Staff at recess.

The Junior Primary building which faces on to Kalinda Road will house classes from Prep to Year 2 and is a wonderful addition to our school.

I acknowledge and thank our Junior School musicians whose skills have been evidenced once again during the opening service.

Dr Mark Merry

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