Community Links

Looking beyond ourselves to care for others

ÐÂÂ鶹ÊÓƵ’s Community Links Program provides a focus for our students’ personal development as they learn first-hand about caring for and serving others. Students at all year levels engage in a range of activities that broaden their knowledge and understanding of the challenges facing many people in our community.

Understanding the role that we all play in our local and global communities heightens awareness of others’ needs and aligns to our objectives of developing well-rounded, caring young adults.

A Community Links team composed of students and staff from all parts of the School leads the program, and encourages students from all year levels to participate in and organise a range of social service and fundraising activities throughout the year.

Junior School students participate in activities such as Operation Christmas Child, Anglicare and St Vincent de Paul appeals, and various other community service opportunities - often initiated by the students themselves. These experiences open up our students’ minds to the diverse nature of our community and the need to care for others.

The Community Links Program continues throughout the Senior School with many opportunities for students to drive community-based initiatives. These include activities such as a literacy program with young children, cleaning up local parks and waterways, fundraising for charity, serving food to the homeless and working with refugee families.

The program encourages responses from the whole school, as well as the opportunity for individual home room and tutorial groups to plan activities to help particular community groups. The students own these activities by planning and executing their ideas themselves with support and guidance from teachers.

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