09:00 AM - 12:00 PM
DROP OFF (Staff present for supervision)
- Arrival-9:00am-9:15am
- Please ENTER via Gate F off Plymouth Road (Sports Complex/Paul Sadler) entrance (DO NOT ENTER via Gate A, you will be directed to Gate F)
- Please EXIT quickly and carefully via Gate E to ensure traffic flow can occur
At all times, parents are to stay in their cars
PICK UP (staff present for supervision if running late)
- Pick up time -12.30 pm - 1.00pm.
- Please ENTER via Gate F off Plymouth Road (Sports Complex/Paul Sadler) entrance (DO NOT ENTER via Gate A)
- Please EXIT quickly and carefully via Gate E to ensure traffic flow can occur
Note: Parking is available from 12.15pm in the sports complex(refer to attached map for parking zones)